Digital Signage is actually an effective way to earn and save money. From sales stearing in retail to distribution of information in banks, transport and so on. And in most cases, the earnings or savings can be measured.
Some facts about digital signage
People’s average attention span is 2.8-8 seconds
90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual
The human brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds
Digital signage has a recall rate of 83% as well as 47.7% effectiveness on brand awareness
Digital displays capture 400% more views than static displays
97% of students prefer to receive information via digital channels rather than from a non-digital source
Digital signage creates a 46% increase in customer satisfaction
Digital signage bumps up the average purchase amount by 29.5%
Digital signage brings about a 32.8% growth in repeat buyers
19% of customers made impulse purchases after seeing digital ads
60% of customers make buying decisions at the point of sale. Digital signage is a strong tool to influence these decisions
74% of customers in restaurants say an effective menu display is their top priority
Nearly 30% of customers find digital menus influential for the purchase of a product